Visiting from Khun Raja of Sathyasai Foundation
On June 9, Khun Raja of Sathyasai Foundation Thailand visited Childlife to follow up the situation of children here after accident and see the land nearby school where Childlife plants rice in drying season. He accompanied with people from Malasia to check the land and maybe start some agriculture project with the land.
We plqnted rice very late so we got a little rice seed this season but it is good to start to plant first and improve it later.
After milling, we can get rice to eat for 7 sacks. We get this rice after we asked for from people. One buddhis monk in Chiang Rai came to donate rice, 200 sacks, 5 km per a sack, for children in Baannana. Including with our rice from our farm, children can have rice for consumption until the end of this month.