On 30 of June, ECPAT foundation invited local organisations of Chiang Rai to join in the launching of The YPP project in Northern Thailand. Childlife and 3 other organisation in Chiang Rai were invited to the meeting in the Teak Garden Resort and Hotel in Chiang Rai. 3 staff of Childlife joined the meeting.

In the meeting, ECPAT introduced the organisations and invited them to share about what they do. Next, the staff of ECPAT introduced the Youth Partnership Project (YPP) to participants. This project is successfully run in South Asia, India, Napal and Bangkaladesh with youth survivors of commercial sexual and exploitation. ECPAT started this project in Thailand and YPP is going on its 3rd year in Thailand. The organisations that joined the meeting have the will let their children join the project.

Children from Childlife will join the project and be informed about causes and prevention of sexual exploitation. The project will start from next month.