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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Learning Organic farming at Farmer School.

Leadership developing Activity
The group of children of the child council from Childlife went to join training workshop about the organic farming at Yonok Lanna farmer field school, Chiang Saen, Chiang Rai. Ajarn Pat Santad from “Thailand Farmer Field School’ and Khun Sukanya Charernporn, the owner of the school, are the lecturer in this workshop for children and staff from Childlife.
The farming which children learned from the Farmer Field School is the alternative farming. The school teaches the new way of agriculture that trains farmer to be able to rely on themselves. This school teaches organic farming without any chemical substances, neither chemical compost nor insecticide in farm. The idea is that farmer should create the good soil by using the organic fertilizer and microorganism from banana shoot to cover all the vegetable patch. This means will increase the useful substance in soil and can prevent the plant pest and make plants strong and resist plant deceases. Vegetables’ taste is good. The school does not only teach rice farming but also teach mixed agricultures such as plant, rice, vegetables fishing and livestock.
Staff and children got trained to make organic fertilizer from microorganism from banana shoot, making soups, hormone from eggs, herb water for health and others. It was very good workshop because staff and children learned from the workshop by doing.

Children from Childlife were commended that were very good and it was the lovely group to learn there, compared to children from other schools or other places. This made children and staff very happy with this training workshop. Children made commitment that they will use what they learned from this work shop and will pass this to their friends in Childlife shelter. Children will have organic vegetable to consume in the shelter.
Thank you very to staff of Yonok Lanna Farmer Field school.


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