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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Childlife performing out and about

The last few weeks has seen some of our children display their drama and singing talents on various stages around the area.

Some of our children travelled to Chiang Rai to join a Youth Forum where they also displayed their drama talents. We also had the opportunity to have a display at the forum to educate and inform attendees of the work that we do.

Over the weekend our children performed in Mae Sai at an exhibition incorporating projects from students of Mae Sai Non Formal Education.

This group also headed to Chiang Mai to perform for at a celebration of minority cultures in Northern Thailand involving lots of great food, display and selling of handicrafts. Our children joined in by performing their drama at this celebration held at Chiang Mai University.

Most recently a group of our girls travelled to Chiang Rai to perform a selection of songs - some in Thai, Akha and even English! to some of our friends from Bangkok.

These opportunities are great for our children to display their enormous amounts of creative talents as well as giving them the chance to see different parts of the region.


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