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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Leelong's walk to the local shops!

An exciting update about Leelong!!! This week Leelong took a very cool walk to the local shop (check out the footage!!!)

Over the last few weeks he has shown some good progression - standing and clapping by himself, walking with the assistance of another person etc. Over the last few days he has made great use of the walker that volunteers Aoife and Becky bought for him, and on Tuesday he walked down to the local shop to buy a well deserved coke!

This was a great achievement for Leelong and we look forward to him being able to walk to the local shops unaided. Childlife has been caring for Leelong for the past few months after we found that he had been left house bound and unable to walk in his village.

To read more please click here and read the previous blog article about Leelong.


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