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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Childlife bound for Japanese TV Screens

Over the last 10 days Childlife has been under the camera lens with a TV crew from Japan visiting. Childlife will appear in a TV show about different shelters for children across the globe. Shelters from Indonesia, Mongolia and Mexico will also be featured in the show.

Childlife was chosen to be a feature in this TV show due to the role of the Children's Council* at Childlife. The crew spent their time learning about how the Children's Council run and manage many of the activites and operations at the shelter.

The show also aims to educate people about Childlife and the impact we can make with children's lives - from street children to running the shelter and teaching other children.

We are all looking forward to seeing the finished product, which will be screened in Japan in October/November.

* The Childlife Childrens Council is a group of the senior children at the shelter. They meet weekly and discuss isues at the shelter and are heavily consulted for any major decisions ensuring the children are empowered and have a significant input into the running of their shelter.

Recently the Children's Council has been given greater responsilities and now oversee the major operations at the shelter. This move has seen many of the older children step up to the responsibilities and develop some great skills for the future.


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