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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Back to school!!

Well October has been a very quiet month at the shelter. The change of seasons (rainy season over and now we are coming into the cold season) also meant school holidays - hooray!!

Many of our children went back to their local villages, to spent time with their families and relatives....we missed them and their mayhem!!

Three long weeks later, school is now about to start and all the kids are back at the shelter ready for a new term! This has also meant having to buy books, writing equipment, uniforms and shoes....definitely a lengthy process and expense with 140 children!!

Fingers crossed they all study hard and get good grades :-)

Achin has an operation

A few months ago the BNN Post featured the emergency case story of Achin, a girl suffering from a rare blood disorder and requires regular blood plasma transfusions.

Following further tests docotors determined it was her spleen that was destroying her plasma cells however the medicine to stop this would in turn destroy her bones. We were then advised the best course of action would be the removal of her spleen.

Achin had the operation in Chiang Rai Hospital and is now recovering well. She will need to visit the hospital again for a follow up visit.

With the removal of her spleen, she will not be able to return to live at the Childlife shelter as the risk of infection is too high. The spleen plays a role in the body's immunity and helps to fight infections. She will now live at the Childlife First House.

We thank several donations from Bangkok and our friends to help Achin to have this operation.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

HOTS workshop

As many of you remember our children attended a film workshop run by HOTS (Heart Of The Streets) in mid-September in order to raise awareness of the child sex trade and learn some basic film techniques.

This month HOTS held a follow-up workshop at DEPDC. Once again, the purpose was to educate and inform our kids of the current situation and dangers of child exploitation, but this event was focused on theatre, educating the children using drama and role-plays.

In the afternoon we were treated to many shows and dances performed by the children of all the shelters/NGO's that participated, as well as a pre-view of the filming that was shot in September.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Childlife receives an award!

In order to commemorate the King’s 80th birthday, and in conjunction with Thailand’s National Youth Day, the Committee of Chiang Rai Province held a ceremonial day, where they selected a number organisations that work with children in the area to acknowledge their achievements within various fields, such as humanity and environmental issues.

We were really honoured, not only be invited to such an event but also to receive the award in the field of human rights….something we believe very strongly about!!

The day also hosted a variety of acts performed by the kids of all the organisations invited, including a wonderful performance from one of our children, charleh, who sung 2 akha songs which he’d written and composed himself.

It was a great day which filled us with pride and encouragement to keep doing what we do!!


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